Municipal service providers
We provide a full range of municipal services. If you’re looking for sewer/water pump service, line replacement, high pressure line jetting, lift station cleaning, pressure testing, or pipe inspection, give us a call and we will come up with a solution for you!

full-service municipal solutions
We have full-service capabilities with the small company attention to detail. We are one of the few contractors in the State of Montana that can inspect gravity flow lines from 6 feet to 1000 feet in length. We understand that some things can’t be scheduled, and when you need us, we are here for your water or sewer problems.
“I have worked with Lakeside Excavation Inc. for many years. Their quality workmanship and job knowledge are among the best. They guarantee their work and go out of their way to satisfy the customer. I would recommend Lakeside.”
Jeff Jensen, Deputy Public Works Director, City of Havre
Interested in our excavation services?
Do you need municipal services? We’ve got you. Contact us today!